列出 MySQL 数据库中的所有主键 (PK) 及其列。列出用户数据库(模式)中没有主键的表。查询显示了用户数据库(模式)中有多少没有主键的表,以及占总表的百分比。select tab.table_schema as database_schema, sta.index_name as pk_name, sta.seq_in_index as column_id, sta.column_name, tab.table_name from information_schema.tables as tab inner join information_schema.statistics as sta on sta.table_schema = tab.table_schema and sta.table_name = tab.table_name and sta.index_name = 'primary' where tab.table_schema = 'your database name' and tab.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' order by tab.table_name, column_id;
select tab.table_schema as database_name, tab.table_name from information_schema.tables tab left join information_schema.table_constraints tco on tab.table_schema = tco.table_schema and tab.table_name = tco.table_name and tco.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' where tco.constraint_type is null and tab.table_schema not in('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'sys') and tab.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' -- and tab.table_schema = 'sakila' -- put schema name here order by tab.table_schema, tab.table_name;
注意:如果您需要特定数据库(模式)的信息,请取消注释 table_schema 行并提供您的数据库名称。
select count(*) as all_tables, count(*) - count(tco.constraint_type) as no_pk_tables, cast( 100.0*(count(*) - count(tco.constraint_type)) / count(*) as decimal(5,2)) as no_pk_percent from information_schema.tables tab left join information_schema.table_constraints tco on tab.table_schema = tco.table_schema and tab.table_name = tco.table_name and tco.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' where tab.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' -- and tab.table_schema = 'database_name' -- put your database name here and tab.table_schema not in('mysql', 'information_schema', 'sys', 'performance_schema');