Microsoft Sql Server2005之前只提供页锁,直到2005版本才开始支持乐观并发、悲观并发,乐观模式下允许实现行级别锁,在Sql Server的设计中锁是一种稀缺资源,锁的数量越多,开销就越大,为了避免因为锁的数量快速攀升导致性能断崖式下跌,其支持一种称为锁升级的机制,一旦行锁升级为页锁,并发性能就又回到原点。
事实上,即使在同一个数据库,不同的执行引擎对锁这一功能的诠释依然是百家争鸣。对于MyISAM而言仅仅支持表锁,并发读取尚可,并发修改可就捉襟见肘了。Innodb则和Oracle非常相似,提供非锁定一致性读取、行锁支持,与Sql Server明显不同的是随着锁总数的上升,Innodb仅仅只需要付出一点点代价。
/** Record lock for a page */ struct lock_rec_t { /* space id */ ulint space; /* page number */ ulint page_no; /** * number of bits in the lock bitmap; * NOTE: the lock bitmap is placed immediately after the lock struct */ ulint n_bits; };
不难看出虽然并发控制可以细化到行级别,但是锁以页的粒度组织管理。Innodb的设计中通过space id、page number两个必要条件就可以确定唯一一个数据页,n_bits表示描述该页行锁信息需要多少bit位。
同一数据页中每条记录都分配唯一的连续的递增序号:heap_no,若要知道某一行记录是否上锁,则只需要判断位图heap_no位置的数字是否为一即可。由于lock bitmap根据数据页的记录数量进行内存空间分配的,因此没有显式定义,且该页记录可能还会继续增加,因此预留了LOCK_PAGE_BITMAP_MARGIN大小的空间。
/** * Safety margin when creating a new record lock: this many extra records * can be inserted to the page without need to create a lock with * a bigger bitmap */ #define LOCK_PAGE_BITMAP_MARGIN 64
假设space id = 20,page number = 100的数据页目前有160条记录,heap_no为2、3、4的记录已经被锁,则对应的lock_rec_t结构与数据页应该被这样刻画:
内存中的lock bitmap应该是线性分布的,图中所示二维结构是为了方便描述
160 / 8 + 8 + 1 = 29byte。
/* lock_rec_create函数代码片段 */ n_bits = page_dir_get_n_heap(page) + LOCK_PAGE_BITMAP_MARGIN; n_bytes = 1 + n_bits / 8; /* 注意这里是分配的连续内存 */ lock = static_cast<lock_t*>( mem_heap_alloc(trx->lock.lock_heap, sizeof(lock_t) + n_bytes) ); /** * Gets the number of records in the heap. * @return number of user records */ UNIV_INLINE ulint page_dir_get_n_heap(const page_t* page) { return(page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_N_HEAP) & 0x7fff); }
struct lock_table_t { /* database table in dictionary cache */ dict_table_t* table; /* list of locks on the same table */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(lock_t) locks; };
struct ut_list_node { /* pointer to the previous node, NULL if start of list */ TYPE* prev; /* pointer to next node, NULL if end of list */ TYPE* next; }; #define UT_LIST_NODE_T(TYPE) ut_list_node<TYPE>
/** Lock struct; protected by lock_sys->mutex */ struct lock_t { /* transaction owning the lock */ trx_t* trx; /* list of the locks of the transaction */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(lock_t) trx_locks; /** * lock type, mode, LOCK_GAP or LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP, * LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION, wait flag, ORed */ ulint type_mode; /* hash chain node for a record lock */ hash_node_t hash; /*!< index for a record lock */ dict_index_t* index; /* lock details */ union { /* table lock */ lock_table_t tab_lock; /* record lock */ lock_rec_t rec_lock; } un_member; };
/** The lock system struct */ struct lock_sys_t { /* Mutex protecting the locks */ ib_mutex_t mutex; /* 就是这里: hash table of the record locks */ hash_table_t* rec_hash; /* Mutex protecting the next two fields */ ib_mutex_t wait_mutex; /** * Array of user threads suspended while waiting forlocks within InnoDB, * protected by the lock_sys->wait_mutex */ srv_slot_t* waiting_threads; /* * highest slot ever used in the waiting_threads array, * protected by lock_sys->wait_mutex */ srv_slot_t* last_slot; /** * TRUE if rollback of all recovered transactions is complete. * Protected by lock_sys->mutex */ ibool rollback_complete; /* Max wait time */ ulint n_lock_max_wait_time; /** * Set to the event that is created in the lock wait monitor thread. * A value of 0 means the thread is not active */ os_event_t timeout_event; /* True if the timeout thread is running */ bool timeout_thread_active; };
函数lock_sys_create在database start之际负责初始化lock_sys_t结构。rec_hash的hash slot数量由srv_lock_table_size变量决定。rec_hash哈希表的key值通过页的space id,page number计算得出。
摘自lock0lock.ic、ut0rnd.ic 文件
/** * Calculates the fold value of a page file address: used in inserting or * searching for a lock in the hash table. * * @return folded value */ UNIV_INLINE ulint lock_rec_fold(ulint space, ulint page_no) { return(ut_fold_ulint_pair(space, page_no)); } /** * Folds a pair of ulints. * * @return folded value */ UNIV_INLINE ulint ut_fold_ulint_pair(ulint n1, ulint n2) { return ( ( (((n1 ^ n2 ^ UT_HASH_RANDOM_MASK2) << 8) + n1) ^ UT_HASH_RANDOM_MASK ) + n2 ); }
这将意味着无法提供一个手段使得我们可以直接得知某一行是否上锁。而是应该先通过其所在的页得到space id、page number通过lock_rec_fold函数得出key值而后经过hash查询得到lock_rec_t,而后根据heap_no扫描bit map,最终确定锁信息。lock_rec_get_first函数实现了上述逻辑:
/** * Gets the first explicit lock request on a record. * * @param block : block containing the record * @param heap_no : heap number of the record * * @return first lock, NULL if none exists */ UNIV_INLINE lock_t* lock_rec_get_first(const buf_block_t* block, ulint heap_no) { lock_t* lock; ut_ad(lock_mutex_own()); for (lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block); lock; lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock) ) { if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no)) { break; } } return(lock); }
根据事务: 通过trx_t对象的trx_locks链表,再通过lock_t对象中的trx_locks遍历可得某事务持有、等待的所有锁信息。
根据记录: 根据记录所在的页,通过space id、page number在lock_sys_t结构中定位到lock_t对象,扫描bitmap找到heap_no对应的bit位。
lock_sys_t中的slot颜色与lock_t颜色相同则表明lock_sys_t slot持有lock_t 指针信息,实在是没法连线,不然图很混乱