给定一个输入字符串 s,反转单词的顺序。单词被定义为非空格字符的序列。 s 中的单词将至少由一个空格分隔。返回由单个空格按相反顺序连接的单词字符串。
注意 s 可能包含前导或尾随空格或两个单词之间的多个空格。返回的字符串应该只有一个空格来分隔单词。请勿包含任何多余空格。
function reversewordsbruteforce(s: string): string { // split the string by spaces and filter out empty strings let words = s.trim().split(/s+/); // reverse the array of words words.reverse(); // join the words with a single space return words.join(' '); }
如果字符串数据类型是可变的,并且我们需要使用 o(1) 额外空间就地解决它,我们可以使用两指针技术来反转原始字符串中的单词。
function reversewordsoptimized(s: string): string { // trim the string and convert it to an array of characters let chars = s.trim().split(''); // helper function to reverse a portion of the array in place function reverse(arr: string[], left: number, right: number) { while (left < right) { [arr[left], arr[right]] = [arr[right], arr[left]]; left++; right--; } } // reverse the entire array of characters reverse(chars, 0, chars.length - 1); // reverse each word in the reversed array let start = 0; for (let end = 0; end <= chars.length; end++) { if (end === chars.length || chars[end] === ' ') { reverse(chars, start, end - 1); start = end + 1; } } // join the characters back into a string and split by spaces to remove extra spaces return chars.join('').split(/s+/).join(' '); }
console.log(reverseWordsBruteForce("the sky is blue")); // "blue is sky the" console.log(reverseWordsBruteForce(" hello world ")); // "world hello" console.log(reverseWordsBruteForce("a good example")); // "example good a" console.log(reverseWordsBruteForce("singleWord")); // "singleWord" console.log(reverseWordsBruteForce(" ")); // "" console.log(reverseWordsOptimized("the sky is blue")); // "blue is sky the" console.log(reverseWordsOptimized(" hello world ")); // "world hello" console.log(reverseWordsOptimized("a good example")); // "example good a" console.log(reverseWordsOptimized("singleWord")); // "singleWord" console.log(reverseWordsOptimized(" ")); // ""