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例如,有一个列表 ['pencil', 'notebook', 'marker', 'highlighter', 'glue stick', 'eraser', 'laptop', 3],其中只有字符串需要转换为大写。这里我们不能直接使用列表或字符串方法。理想的逻辑是
delivery_list= ['pencil', 'notebook', 'marker', 'highlighter', 'glue stick', 'eraser', 'laptop', 3] upper_list = [] for item in delivery_list: if type(item) == str: upper_list.append(item.upper()) else: upper_list.append(item) print('upper case list is:', upper_list) output: upper case list is: ['pencil', 'notebook', 'marker', 'highlighter', 'glue stick', 'eraser', 'laptop', 3]
tasks_list.py ####################################################################################### #1. create a list of five delivery items and print the third item in the list. #eg: [“notebook”, “pencil”, “eraser”, “ruler”, “marker”] ####################################################################################### delivery_list = ['notebook', 'pencil', 'eraser', 'ruler', 'marker'] print (f't1. third item in the list{delivery_list} is: {delivery_list[2]}') ####################################################################################### # 2.a new delivery item “glue stick” needs to be added to the list. # add it to the end of the list and print the updated list. ####################################################################################### delivery_list.append('glue stick') print('t2. updated delivery list is:', delivery_list) ####################################################################################### # 3. insert “highlighter” between the second and third items and print the updated list. ####################################################################################### delivery_list.insert(2, 'highlighter') print('t3. updated list by inserting highlighter b/w 2nd &3rd:', delivery_list) ####################################################################################### # 4. one delivery was canceled. remove “ruler” from the list and print the updated list. ####################################################################################### delivery_list.remove('ruler') print('t4. updated list after removing ruler is:', delivery_list) ####################################################################################### # 5. the delivery man needs to deliver only the first three items. # print a sublist containing only these items. ####################################################################################### sublist =[] for item in delivery_list[:3]: #sublist =sublist.append(item) #this is incorrect as sublist.append() returns none. sublist.append(item) print('t5. sublist of first three elements using loop:', sublist) print('t sublist of first three elements using slicing:', delivery_list[:3]) ####################################################################################### # 6.the delivery man has finished his deliveries. # convert all item names to uppercase using a list comprehension and print the new list. ####################################################################################### uppercase_list=[] for item in delivery_list: uppercase_list.append(item.upper()) print('t6. uppercase list of delivery items:', uppercase_list) uppercase_list_lc = [item.upper() for item in delivery_list] print('t6. uppercase list using list compre:', uppercase_list_lc) ####################################################################################### # 7. check if “marker” is still in the list and print a message indicating whether it is found. # 8. print the number of delivery items in the list. ####################################################################################### is_found= delivery_list.count('marker') if 'marker' in delivery_list: print(f't7. marker is found {is_found} times') else: print(f't7. marker is not found {is_found}') print(f't8. number of delivery item from {delivery_list} is: ', len(delivery_list)) ####################################################################################### # 9. sort the list of items in alphabetical order and print the sorted list # 10. the delivery man decides to reverse the order of his deliveries. # reverse the list and print it ####################################################################################### delivery_list.sort() print(f't9. sorted delivery list is {delivery_list}') delivery_list.reverse() print(f't10. reverse list of delivery list is {delivery_list}') ####################################################################################### # 11. create a list where each item is a list containing a delivery item and its delivery time. # print the first item and its time. ####################################################################################### delivery_list_time = [['letter', '10:00'], ['parcel', '10:15'], ['magazine', '10:45'], ['newspaper', '11:00']] print('t11. first delivery item and time', delivery_list_time[0]) delivery_list = ['pencil', 'notebook', 'marker', 'highlighter', 'glue stick', 'eraser', 'laptop'] delivery_time = ['11:00','11:20','11:40','12:00','12:30','13:00', '13:30'] #paring of two list using zip paired_list=list(zip(delivery_list,delivery_time)) print('tpaired list using zip:', paired_list[0:2]) #combine corresponding item from multiple list using zip and for item_time_list = [[item,time] for item, time in zip(delivery_list, delivery_time)] print ('titem_time_list using list comprehension: ', item_time_list[0:1]) ####################################################################################### # 12. count how many times “ruler” appears in the list and print the count. # 13. find the index of “pencil” in the list and print it. # 14. extend the list items with another list of new delivery items and print the updated list. # 15. clear the list of all delivery items and print the list. # 16. create a list with the item “notebook” repeated three times and print the list. # 17. using a nested list comprehension, create a list of lists where each sublist contains an item # and its length, then print the new list. # 18. filter the list to include only items that contain the letter “e” and print the filtered list. # 19. remove duplicate items from the list and print the list of unique items. ####################################################################################### is_found= delivery_list.count('ruler') print('t12. the count of ruler in delivery list is:', is_found) index_pencil = delivery_list.index('pencil') print(f't13. index of pencil in {delivery_list} is {index_pencil}') small_list = ['ink',''] delivery_list.extend(small_list) print('t14. extend list by extend:', delivery_list) item_time_list.clear() print('t15. clearing the list using clear():', item_time_list) notebook_list = ['notebook']*3 print('t16. notebook list is:', notebook_list) #filter the list with e letter delivery_list new_delivery_list = [] for item in delivery_list: if 'e' in item: new_delivery_list.append(item) print ('t18. filtered list with items containing e:', new_delivery_list) new_list_compre = [item for item in delivery_list if 'e' in item] print ('t18. filtered list by list comprehension:', new_list_compre) #remove duplicate items delivery_list.extend(['ink', 'marker']) print('t ', delivery_list) for item in delivery_list: if delivery_list.count(item) > 1: delivery_list.remove(item) print('t19. duplicate remove list:',delivery_list) print('t19. duplicate remove list:',list(set(delivery_list))) ####################################################################################### # 17. using a nested list comprehension, create a list of lists where each sublist contains an item # and its length, then print the new list. ####################################################################################### #without list comprehension nested_list = [] for item in delivery_list: nested_list.append([item, len(item)]) print('t17. ', nested_list[-1:-6:-1]) #using list comprehension printing nested list nested_list = [[item,len(item)] for item in delivery_list] print('t17. nested list with length:', nested_list[:5])
PS C:ProjectsPythonSuresh> python Tasks_list.py 1. Third item in the list['Notebook', 'Pencil', 'Eraser', 'Ruler', 'Marker'] is: Eraser 2. Updated delivery list is: ['Notebook', 'Pencil', 'Eraser', 'Ruler', 'Marker', 'Glue Stick'] 3. Updated list by inserting Highlighter b/w 2nd &3rd: ['Notebook', 'Pencil', 'Highlighter', 'Eraser', 'Ruler', 'Marker', 'Glue Stick'] 4. Updated list after removing Ruler is: ['Notebook', 'Pencil', 'Highlighter', 'Eraser', 'Marker', 'Glue Stick'] 5. Sublist of first three elements using loop: ['Notebook', 'Pencil', 'Highlighter'] Sublist of first three elements using slicing: ['Notebook', 'Pencil', 'Highlighter'] 6. Uppercase list of delivery items: ['NOTEBOOK', 'PENCIL', 'HIGHLIGHTER', 'ERASER', 'MARKER', 'GLUE STICK'] 6. Uppercase list using list compre: ['NOTEBOOK', 'PENCIL', 'HIGHLIGHTER', 'ERASER', 'MARKER', 'GLUE STICK'] 7. Marker is found 1 times 8. Number of delivery item from ['Notebook', 'Pencil', 'Highlighter', 'Eraser', 'Marker', 'Glue Stick'] is: 6 9. Sorted delivery list is ['Eraser', 'Glue Stick', 'Highlighter', 'Marker', 'Notebook', 'Pencil'] 10. Reverse list of delivery list is ['Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Marker', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick', 'Eraser'] 11. First delivery item and time ['Letter', '10:00'] Paired list using zip: [('Pencil', '11:00'), ('Notebook', '11:20')] Item_time_list using list comprehension: [['Pencil', '11:00']] 12. The count of Ruler in delivery list is: 0 13. Index of Pencil in ['Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Marker', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick', 'Eraser', 'Laptop'] is 0 14. Extend list by extend: ['Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Marker', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick', 'Eraser', 'Laptop', 'Ink', ''] 15. Clearing the list using clear(): [] 16. Notebook list is: ['Notebook', 'Notebook', 'Notebook'] 18. Filtered list with items containing e: ['Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Marker', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick', 'Eraser'] 18. Filtered list by list comprehension: ['Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Marker', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick', 'Eraser'] ['Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Marker', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick', 'Eraser', 'Laptop', 'Ink', '', 'Ink', 'Marker'] 19. Duplicate remove list: ['Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick', 'Eraser', 'Laptop', '', 'Ink', 'Marker'] 19. Duplicate remove list: ['', 'Ink', 'Pencil', 'Notebook', 'Marker', 'Eraser', 'Laptop', 'Highlighter', 'Glue Stick'] 17. [['Marker', 6], ['Ink', 3], ['', 0], ['Laptop', 6], ['Eraser', 6]] 17. Nested list with length: [['Pencil', 6], ['Notebook', 8], ['Highlighter', 11], ['Glue Stick', 10], ['Eraser', 6]]