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将数据加载到 Neo4j 中

290 2025-01-17

在上一篇博客中,我们了解了如何使用 2 个插件 apoc 和图形数据科学库 - gds 在本地安装和设置 neo4j。在这篇博客中,我将获取一个玩具数据集(电子商务网站中的产品)并将其存储在 neo4j 中。


为 neo4j 分配足够的内存

在开始加载数据之前,如果您的用例中有大量数据,请确保为 neo4j 分配了足够的内存。为此:

  • 点击打开右侧的三个点

将数据加载到 Neo4j 中

  • 打开文件夹-> 配置

将数据加载到 Neo4j 中

  • neo4j.conf

将数据加载到 Neo4j 中

  • heap,取消第77、78行的注释,并将256m更改为2048m,这样可以确保为neo4j中的数据存储分配2048mb。

将数据加载到 Neo4j 中




  • 图有两个主要组成部分:节点和关系,让我们先创建节点,然后再建立关系。

  • 我正在使用的数据在这里 - data

  • 使用这里提供的requirements.txt来创建一个python虚拟环境-requirements.txt

  • 让我们定义各种函数来推送数据。

  • 导入必要的库

  • import pandas as pd
    from neo4j import graphdatabase
    from openai import openai
    我们将使用 openai 来生成嵌入
  • client = openai(api_key="")
    product_data_df = pd.read_csv('../data/product_data.csv')
  • def get_embedding(text):
        used to generate embeddings using openai embeddings model
        :param text: str - text that needs to be converted to embeddings
        :return: embedding
        model = "text-embedding-3-small"
        text = text.replace("n", " ")
        return client.embeddings.create(input=[text], model=model).data[0].embedding
  • category:产品类别,product:产品名称。让我们创建类别标签,neo4j 提供了一种称为属性的东西,您可以将它们想象为特定节点的元数据。这里 nameembedding 是属性。因此,我们将类别名称及其相应的嵌入存储在数据库中。
  • def create_category(product_data_df):
        used to generate queries for creating category nodes in neo4j
        :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data
        :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for category
        cat_query = """create (a:category {name: '%s', embedding: %s})"""
        distinct_category = product_data_df['category'].unique()
        query_list = []
        for category in distinct_category:
            embedding = get_embedding(category)
            query_list.append(cat_query % (category, embedding))
        return query_list
  • namedescriptionpricewarranty_periodavailable_stockreview_ ratingproduct_release_dateembedding
  • def create_product(product_data_df):
        used to generate queries for creating product nodes in neo4j
        :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data 
        :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for product 
        product_query = """create (a:product {name: '%s', description: '%s', price: %d, warranty_period: %d, 
        available_stock: %d, review_rating: %f, product_release_date: date('%s'), embedding: %s})"""
        query_list = []
        for idx, row in product_data_df.iterrows():
            embedding = get_embedding(row['product name'] + " - " + row['description'])
            query_list.append(product_query % (row['product name'], row['description'], int(row['price (inr)']),
                                               int(row['warranty period (years)']), int(row['stock']),
                                               float(row['review rating']), str(row['product release date']), embedding))
        return query_list
  • def execute_bulk_query(query_list):
        executes queries is a list one by one
        :param query_list: list - list of cypher queries
        :return: none
        url = "bolt://localhost:7687"
        auth = ("neo4j", "neo4j@123")
        with graphdatabase.driver(url, auth=auth) as driver:
            with driver.session() as session:
                for query in query_list:
                    except exception as error:
                        print(f"error in executing query - {query}, error - {error}")
  • import pandas as pd
    from neo4j import graphdatabase
    from openai import openai
    client = openai(api_key="")
    product_data_df = pd.read_csv('../data/product_data.csv')
    def preprocessing(df, columns_to_replace):
        used to preprocess certain column in dataframe
        :param df: pandas dataframe - data
        :param columns_to_replace: list - column name list
        :return: df: pandas dataframe - processed data
        df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'s", "s"))
        df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'", ""))
        return df
    def get_embedding(text):
        used to generate embeddings using openai embeddings model
        :param text: str - text that needs to be converted to embeddings
        :return: embedding
        model = "text-embedding-3-small"
        text = text.replace("n", " ")
        return client.embeddings.create(input=[text], model=model).data[0].embedding
    def create_category(product_data_df):
        used to generate queries for creating category nodes in neo4j
        :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data
        :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for category
        cat_query = """create (a:category {name: '%s', embedding: %s})"""
        distinct_category = product_data_df['category'].unique()
        query_list = []
        for category in distinct_category:
            embedding = get_embedding(category)
            query_list.append(cat_query % (category, embedding))
        return query_list
    def create_product(product_data_df):
        used to generate queries for creating product nodes in neo4j
        :param product_data_df: pandas dataframe - data
        :return: query_list: list - list containing all create node queries for product
        product_query = """create (a:product {name: '%s', description: '%s', price: %d, warranty_period: %d, 
        available_stock: %d, review_rating: %f, product_release_date: date('%s'), embedding: %s})"""
        query_list = []
        for idx, row in product_data_df.iterrows():
            embedding = get_embedding(row['product name'] + " - " + row['description'])
            query_list.append(product_query % (row['product name'], row['description'], int(row['price (inr)']),
                                               int(row['warranty period (years)']), int(row['stock']),
                                               float(row['review rating']), str(row['product release date']), embedding))
        return query_list
    def execute_bulk_query(query_list):
        executes queries is a list one by one
        :param query_list: list - list of cypher queries
        :return: none
        url = "bolt://localhost:7687"
        auth = ("neo4j", "neo4j@123")
        with graphdatabase.driver(url, auth=auth) as driver:
            with driver.session() as session:
                for query in query_list:
                    except exception as error:
                        print(f"error in executing query - {query}, error - {error}")
    # preprocessing
    product_data_df = preprocessing(product_data_df, ['product name', 'description'])
    # create category
    query_list = create_category(product_data_df)
    # create product
    query_list = create_product(product_data_df)



  • categoryproduct 之间创建关系,该关系的名称为 category_contains_product
  • from neo4j import GraphDatabase
    import pandas as pd
    product_data_df = pd.read_csv('../data/product_data.csv')
    def preprocessing(df, columns_to_replace):
        Used to preprocess certain column in dataframe
        :param df: pandas dataframe - data
        :param columns_to_replace: list - column name list
        :return: df: pandas dataframe - processed data
        df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'s", "s"))
        df[columns_to_replace] = df[columns_to_replace].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace("'", ""))
        return df
    def create_category_food_relationship_query(product_data_df):
        Used to create relationship between category and products
        :param product_data_df: dataframe - data
        :return: query_list: list - cypher queries
        query = """MATCH (c:Category {name: '%s'}), (p:Product {name: '%s'}) CREATE (c)-[:CATEGORY_CONTAINS_PRODUCT]->(p)"""
        query_list = []
        for idx, row in product_data_df.iterrows():
            query_list.append(query % (row['Category'], row['Product Name']))
        return query_list
    def execute_bulk_query(query_list):
        Executes queries is a list one by one
        :param query_list: list - list of cypher queries
        :return: None
        url = "bolt://localhost:7687"
        auth = ("neo4j", "neo4j@123")
        with GraphDatabase.driver(url, auth=auth) as driver:
            with driver.session() as session:
                for query in query_list:
                    except Exception as error:
                        print(f"Error in executing query - {query}, Error - {error}")
    product_data_df = preprocessing(product_data_df, ['Product Name', 'Description'])
    query_list = create_category_food_relationship_query(product_data_df)
    通过使用 match 查询来匹配已经创建的节点,我们在它们之间建立关系。




将数据加载到 Neo4j 中

将数据加载到 Neo4j 中

将数据加载到 Neo4j 中

我们的数据连同它们的嵌入一起加载到 neo4j 中。


在接下来的博客中,我们将看到如何使用 python 构建图形查询引擎并使用获取的数据进行增强生成。


linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/praveenr2998/

github - https://github.com/praveenr2998/creating-lightweight-rag-systems-with-graphs/tree/main/push_data_to_db
