随着人工智能继续影响多种类型的数据处理,矢量嵌入也已成为视频分析的强大工具。本文深入探讨了人工智能在分析视频数据方面的一些功能。我们将探索如何使用 python 和 openai clip 创建的向量嵌入来解释和分析视频内容。
本文中使用的笔记本文件可在 github 上找到。
上一篇文章展示了创建免费 singlestore 云帐户的步骤。我们将使用免费共享层并采用工作区和数据库的默认名称。
我们将从 github 下载笔记本。
从 singlestore 云门户的左侧导航窗格中,我们将选择 develop > data studio。
在网页的右上角,我们将选择新建笔记本 > 从文件导入。我们将使用向导找到并导入从 github 下载的笔记本。
检查我们是否已连接到 singlestore 工作区后,我们将逐个运行单元。
我们首先从 github 下载示例视频,然后直接在笔记本中播放短视频。示例视频时长 142 秒。
接下来,我们将安装一些库,包括 openai clip。
对比语言-图像预训练 (clip) 是 openai 的一个模型,它通过将图像和文本关联到共享嵌入空间来理解图像和文本。我们将按如下方式加载它:
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" model, preprocess = clip.load("vit-b/32", device = device)
def extract_frames(video_path): frames = [] cap = cv2.videocapture(video_path) frame_rate = cap.get(cv2.cap_prop_fps) total_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.cap_prop_frame_count)) total_seconds = total_frames / frame_rate target_frame_count = int(total_seconds) target_frame_index = 0 for i in range(target_frame_count): cap.set(cv2.cap_prop_pos_frames, target_frame_index) ret, frame = cap.read() if not ret: break frames.append(frame) target_frame_index += int(frame_rate) cap.release() return frames
def generate_embedding(frame): frame_tensor = preprocess(pilimage.fromarray(frame)).unsqueeze(0).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): embedding = model.encode_image(frame_tensor).cpu().numpy() return embedding[0]
def store_frame_embedding_and_image(video_path): frames = extract_frames(video_path) data = [ (i+1, generate_embedding(frame), frame) for i, frame in enumerate(tqdm( frames, desc = "processing frames", bar_format = "{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]") ) ] return pd.dataframe(data, columns = ["frame_number", "embedding_data", "frame_data"])
让我们检查一下 dataframe 中存储的数据的大小特征:
embedding_lengths = df["embedding_data"].str.len() frame_lengths = df["frame_data"].str.len() # calculate min and max lengths for embeddings and frames min_embedding_length, max_embedding_length = embedding_lengths.min(), embedding_lengths.max() min_frame_length, max_frame_length = frame_lengths.min(), frame_lengths.max() # print results print(f"min length of embedding vectors: {min_embedding_length}") print(f"max length of embedding vectors: {max_embedding_length}") print(f"min length of frame data vectors: {min_frame_length}") print(f"max length of frame data vectors: {max_frame_length}")
min length of embedding vectors: 512 max length of embedding vectors: 512 min length of frame data vectors: 1080 max length of frame data vectors: 1080
现在,让我们量化查询嵌入与 dataframe 中每个帧的嵌入的相似程度,提供查询与帧之间相似性的度量:
def calculate_similarity(query_embedding, df): # convert the query embedding to a tensor query_tensor = torch.tensor(query_embedding, dtype = torch.float32).to(device) # convert the list of embeddings to a numpy array embeddings_np = np.array(df["embedding_data"].tolist()) # create a tensor from the numpy array embeddings_tensor = torch.tensor(embeddings_np, dtype = torch.float32).to(device) # compute similarities using matrix multiplication similarities = torch.mm(embeddings_tensor, query_tensor.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze().tolist() return similarities
def encode_text_query(query): # tokenize the query text tokens = clip.tokenize([query]).to(device) # compute text features using the pretrained model with torch.no_grad(): text_features = model.encode_text(tokens) # convert the tensor to a numpy array and return it return text_features.cpu().numpy().flatten()
并在出现提示时输入查询字符串“ultra-fast ingestion”:
query = input("enter your query: ") text_query_embedding = encode_text_query(query) text_similarities = calculate_similarity(text_query_embedding, df) df["text_similarity"] = text_similarities
我们现在将获得前 5 个最佳文本匹配:
# retrieve the top 5 text matches based on similarity top_text_matches = df.nlargest(5, "text_similarity") print("top 5 best matches:") print(top_text_matches[["frame_number", "text_similarity"]].to_string(index = false))
top 5 best matches: frame_number text_similarity 40 36.456184 39 36.081161 43 33.295975 42 32.423229 45 31.931164
def plot_frames(frames, frame_numbers): num_frames = len(frames) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_frames, figsize = (15, 5)) for ax, frame_data, frame_number in zip(axes, frames, frame_numbers): ax.imshow(frame_data) ax.set_title(f"frame {frame_number}") ax.axis("off") plt.tight_layout() plt.show() # collect frame data and numbers for the top text matches top_text_matches_indices = top_text_matches.index.tolist() frames = [df.at[index, "frame_data"] for index in top_text_matches_indices] frame_numbers = [df.at[index, "frame_number"] for index in top_text_matches_indices] # plot the frames plot_frames(frames, frame_numbers)
def encode_image_query(image): # preprocess the image and add batch dimension image_tensor = preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device) # extract features using the model with torch.no_grad(): image_features = model.encode_image(image_tensor) # convert features to numpy array and flatten return image_features.cpu().numpy().flatten()
image_url = "https://github.com/veryfatboy/clip-demo/raw/main/thumbnails/1_what_makes_singlestore_unique.png" response = requests.get(image_url) if response.status_code == 200: display(image(url = image_url)) image_file = pilimage.open(bytesio(response.content)) image_query_embedding = encode_image_query(image_file) image_similarities = calculate_similarity(image_query_embedding, df) df["image_similarity"] = image_similarities else: print("failed to download the image, status code:", response.status_code)
我们现在将获得前 5 个最佳图像匹配:
top_image_matches = df.nlargest(5, "image_similarity") print("top 5 best matches:") print(top_image_matches[["frame_number", "image_similarity"]].to_string(index = false))
top 5 best matches: frame_number image_similarity 7 57.674603 9 43.669739 6 42.573799 15 40.296551 93 40.201733
# collect frame data and numbers for the top image matches top_image_matches_indices = top_image_matches.index.tolist() frames = [df.at[index, "frame_data"] for index in top_image_matches_indices] frame_numbers = [df.at[index, "frame_number"] for index in top_image_matches_indices] # plot the frames plot_frames(frames, frame_numbers)
combined_query_embedding = (text_query_embedding + image_query_embedding) / 2 combined_similarities = calculate_similarity(combined_query_embedding, df) df["combined_similarity"] = combined_similarities
我们现在将获得前 5 名最佳组合比赛:
top_combined_matches = df.nlargest(5, "combined_similarity") print("top 5 best matches:") print(top_combined_matches[["frame_number", "combined_similarity"]].to_string(index = false))
top 5 best matches: frame_number combined_similarity 7 36.337120 5 32.869991 6 32.559093 93 32.205418 94 31.881357
# collect frame data and numbers for the top combined matches top_combined_matches_indices = top_combined_matches.index.tolist() frames = [df.at[index, "frame_data"] for index in top_combined_matches_indices] frame_numbers = [df.at[index, "frame_number"] for index in top_combined_matches_indices] # plot the frames plot_frames(frames, frame_numbers)
接下来,我们将数据存储在 singlestore 中。首先,我们准备数据:
frames_df = df.copy() frames_df.drop( columns = ["text_similarity", "image_similarity", "combined_similarity"], inplace = true ) query_string = combined_query_embedding.copy()
def process_data(arr): return np.array2string(arr, separator = ",").replace("n", "") frames_df["embedding_data"] = frames_df["embedding_data"].apply(process_data) frames_df["frame_data"] = frames_df["frame_data"].apply(process_data) query_string = process_data(query_string)
shared_tier_check = %sql show variables like "is_shared_tier" if not shared_tier_check or shared_tier_check[0][1] == "off": %sql drop database if exists video_db; %sql create database if not exists video_db;
from sqlalchemy import * db_connection = create_engine(connection_url)
drop table if exists frames; create table if not exists frames ( frame_number int(10) unsigned not null, embedding_data vector(512) not null, frame_data text, key(frame_number) );
frames_df.to_sql( "frames", con = db_connection, if_exists = "append", index = false, chunksize = 1000 )
我们可以从 singlestore 读回一些数据:
select frame_number, substring(embedding_data, 1, 50) as embedding_data, substring(frame_data, 1, 50) as frame_data from frames limit 1;
我们还可以创建一个 ann 索引:
alter table frames add vector index (embedding_data) index_options '{ "index_type":"auto", "metric_type":"dot_product" }';
首先,让我们在不使用 ann 索引的情况下运行查询:
select frame_number, embedding_data <*> :query_string as similarity from frames order by similarity use index () desc limit 5;
frame_number similarity 7 36.337120056152344 5 32.8699951171875 6 32.5590934753418 93 32.20541763305664 94 31.881359100341797
现在,我们将使用 ann 索引运行查询:
select frame_number, embedding_data <*> :query_string as similarity from frames order by similarity desc limit 5;
frame_number similarity 7 36.337120056152344 5 32.8699951171875 6 32.5590934753418 93 32.20541763305664 94 31.881359100341797
sql_query = """ SELECT frame_number, embedding_data, frame_data FROM frames ORDER BY embedding_data <*> %s DESC LIMIT 5; """ new_frames_df = pd.read_sql( sql_query, con = db_connection, params = (query_string,) ) new_frames_df.head()
由于我们只存储少量数据(142 行),因此无论我们是否使用 ann 索引,结果都是相同的。我们查询数据库的结果与我们之前的组合查询结果一致。
在本文中,我们使用 python 和 openai 的 clip 模型将矢量嵌入应用于视频分析。我们了解了如何从视频中提取帧,为每个帧生成嵌入,并使用这些嵌入基于文本和图像查询执行相似性搜索。这使我们能够检索相关视频片段,使其成为视频内容分析的有用工具。