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class timelimitedcache { constructor() { this._cache = new map(); } set(key, value, duration) { const found = this._cache.has(key); if (found) { cleartimeout(this._cache.get(key).ref); } this._cache.set(key, { value, ref: settimeout(() => { this._cache.delete(key); }, duration), }); return found; } get(key) { if (this._cache.has(key)) { return this._cache.get(key); } else { return -1; } } count() { return this._cache.size; } } // usage example const timelimitedcache = new timelimitedcache(); console.log(timelimitedcache.set(1, 'first', 1000)); // => false console.log(timelimitedcache.get(1).value); // => 'first' console.log(timelimitedcache.count()); // => 1 settimeout(() => { console.log(timelimitedcache.count()); // => 0 console.log(timelimitedcache.get(1)); // => -1 }, 2000);
/** * @param {function} callback * @param {number} delay * @param {...any} args * @returns {function} */ function setcancellableinterval(callbackfn, delay, ...args) { const timerid = setinterval(callbackfn, delay, ...args); return () => { clearinterval(timerid); }; } // usage example let i = 0; // t = 0: const cancel = setcancellableinterval(() => { i++; }, 100); // t = 50: cancel(); // t = 100: i is still 0 because cancel() was called.
/** * @param {function} callbackfn * @param {number} delay * @param {...any} args * @returns {function} */ function setcancellabletimeout(callbackfn, delay, ...args) { const timerid = settimeout(callbackfn, delay, ...args); return () => { cleartimeout(timerid); }; } // usage example let i = 0; // t = 0: const cancel = setcancellabletimeout(() => { i++; }, 100); // t = 50: cancel(); // t = 100: i is still 0 because cancel() was called.
/** * cancel all timer from window.settimeout */ const timerqueue = []; const originalsettimeout = window.settimeout; window.settimeout = function (callbackfn, delay, ...args) { const timerid = originalsettimeout(callbackfn, delay, ...args); timerqueue.push(timerid); return timerid; } function clearalltimeout() { while (timerqueue.length) { cleartimeout(timerqueue.pop()); } } // usage example settimeout(func1, 10000) settimeout(func2, 10000) settimeout(func3, 10000) // all 3 functions are scheduled 10 seconds later clearalltimeout() // all scheduled tasks are cancelled.
/** * @param {function} fn * @param {number} wait * @return {function} */ function debounce(fn, wait = 0) { let timerid = null; return function (...args) { const context = this; cleartimeout(timerid); timerid = settimeout(() => { timerid = null; fn.call(context, ...args); }, wait); } } // usage example let i = 0; function increment() { i += 1; } const debouncedincrement = debounce(increment, 100); // t = 0: call debouncedincrement(). debouncedincrement(); // i = 0 // t = 50: i is still 0 because 100ms have not passed. // call debouncedincrement() again. debouncedincrement(); // i = 0 // t = 100: i is still 0 because it has only // been 50ms since the last debouncedincrement() at t = 50. // t = 150: because 100ms have passed since // the last debouncedincrement() at t = 50, // increment was invoked and i is now 1 .
/** * @param {function} fn * @param {number} wait * @return {function} */ function throttle(fn, wait = 0) { let shouldthrottle = false; return function (...args) { if (shouldthrottle) { return; } shouldthrottle = true; settimeout(() => { shouldthrottle = false; }, wait); fn.call(this, ...args); } } // usage example let i = 0; function increment() { i++; } const throttledincrement = throttle(increment, 100); // t = 0: call throttledincrement(). i is now 1. throttledincrement(); // i = 1 // t = 50: call throttledincrement() again. // i is still 1 because 100ms have not passed. throttledincrement(); // i = 1 // t = 101: call throttledincrement() again. i is now 2. // i can be incremented because it has been more than 100ms // since the last throttledincrement() call at t = 0. throttledincrement(); // i = 2
const url = 'https://fastly.picsum.photos/id/0/5000/3333.jpg?hmac=_j6ghy5fcfsd6tvtcv74zxivkjspifr9b8w34xeqmvu'; function fetchdata(url) { return fetch(url) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new error(`error: ${response.status}`); } return response.blob(); }) .then((data) => { console.log(data); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(`error: ${err}`); }); } function repeat(callbackfn, delay, count) { let currentcount = 0; const timerid = setinterval(() => { if (currentcount < count) { callbackfn(); currentcount += 1; } else { clearinterval(timerid); } }, delay); return { clear: () => clearinterval(timerid), } } // usage example const cancel = repeat(() => fetchdata(url), 2000, 5); settimeout(() => { cancel.clear(); }, 11000);
/** * @param {function} callbackfn * @param {number} delay * @param {...any} args * @returns {{start: function, pause: function, stop: function}} */ function createresumableinterval(callbackfn, delay, ...args) { let timerid = null; let stopped = false; function cleartimer() { clearinterval(timerid); timerid = null; } function start() { if (stopped || timerid) { return; } callbackfn(...args); timerid = setinterval(callbackfn, delay, ...args); } function pause() { if (stopped) { return; } cleartimer(); } function stop() { stopped = true; cleartimer(); } return { start, pause, stop, }; } // usage example let i = 0; // t = 0: const interval = createresumableinterval(() => { i++; }, 10); // t = 10: interval.start(); // i is now 1. // t = 20: callback executes and i is now 2. // t = 25: interval.pause(); // t = 30: i remains at 2 because interval.pause() was called. // t = 35: interval.start(); // i is now 3. // t = 45: callback executes and i is now 4. // t = 50: interval.stop(); // i remains at 4.
/** * @param {function} callbackfn * @param {number} delay * @return {object} */ // use `requestanimationframe` function mysetinterval(callbackfn, delay) { let timerid = null; let start = date.now(); // loop function loop() { const current = date.now(); if (current - start >= delay) { callbackfn(); start = current; } timerid = requestanimationframe(loop); } // run loop loop(); return { clear: () => cancelanimationframe(timerid), } } const interval = mysetinterval(() => { console.log('interval tick'); }, 1000); // cancel settimeout(() => { interval.clear(); }, 5000); // use `settimeout` function mysetinterval(callbackfn, delay) { let timerid = null; let start = date.now(); let count = 0; // loop function loop() { const drift = date.now() - start - count * delay; count += 1; timerid = settimeout(() => { callbackfn(); loop(); }, delay - drift); } // run loop loop(); return { clear: () => cleartimeout(timerid), } } const interval = mysetinterval(() => { console.log('interval tick'); }, 1000); // cancel settimeout(() => { interval.clear(); }, 5000);
function setTimeout(callbackFn, delay) { let elapsedTime = 0; const interval = 100; const intervalId = setInterval(() => { elapsedTime += interval; if (elapsedTime >= delay) { clearInterval(intervalId); callbackFn(); } }, interval); } // Usage example mySetTimeout(() => { console.log('This message is displayed after 2 seconds.'); }, 2000);