angular signals 代表了 angular 应用程序中状态管理和反应性的革命性方法。这份综合指南将引导您了解有关信号所需了解的所有内容,从基本概念到高级实现。
信号是 angular 16+ 中引入的新原语,它提供了一种处理反应式状态管理的方法。它们是值的特殊包装,当这些值发生变化时通知感兴趣的消费者。
import { signal } from '@angular/core'; // creating a simple signal const count = signal(0); // reading signal value console.log(count()); // output: 0 // updating signal value count.set(1);
import { component, signal } from '@angular/core'; @component({ selector: 'app-counter', template: ` <div> <p>count: {{ count() }}</p> <button (click)="increment()">increment</button> </div> ` }) export class countercomponent { count = signal(0); increment() { this.count.set(this.count() + 1); } }
const name = signal('john'); name.set('jane');
const counter = signal(0); counter.update(value => value + 1);
const user = signal({ name: 'john', age: 25 }); user.mutate(value => { value.age = 26; });
import { signal, computed } from '@angular/core'; const price = signal(100); const quantity = signal(2); const total = computed(() => price() * quantity()); console.log(total()); // output: 200
import { signal, effect } from '@angular/core'; const message = signal('hello'); effect(() => { console.log(`message changed to: ${message()}`); }); message.set('hi'); // logs: "message changed to: hi"
interface product { id: number; name: string; price: number; } @component({ selector: 'app-shopping-cart', template: ` <div> <h2>shopping cart</h2> <div *ngfor="let item of cartitems()"> {{ }} - ${{ item.price }} </div> <p>total: ${{ carttotal() }}</p> </div> ` }) export class shoppingcartcomponent { cartitems = signal<product[]>([]); carttotal = computed(() => this.cartitems().reduce((total, item) => total + item.price, 0) ); addtocart(product: product) { this.cartitems.update(items => [...items, product]); } removefromcart(productid: number) { this.cartitems.update(items => items.filter(item => !== productid) ); } }
@component({ selector: 'app-user-form', template: ` <form (submit)="handlesubmit($event)"> <input [value]="formdata().name" (input)="updatename($event)" placeholder="name" > <input [value]="formdata().email" (input)="updateemail($event)" placeholder="email" > <button type="submit">submit</button> </form> ` }) export class userformcomponent { formdata = signal({ name: '', email: '' }); updatename(event: event) { const input = as htmlinputelement; this.formdata.update(data => ({, name: input.value })); } updateemail(event: event) { const input = as htmlinputelement; this.formdata.update(data => ({, email: input.value })); } handlesubmit(event: event) { event.preventdefault(); console.log('form submitted:', this.formdata()); } }
// good practice const userprofile = signal<userprofile | null>(null); // better practice with type safety interface userprofile { name: string; email: string; } const userprofile = signal<userprofile>({ name: '', email: '' });
const apidata = signal<string | null>(null); const error = signal<error | null>(null); async function fetchdata() { try { const response = await fetch('api/data'); const data = await response.json(); apidata.set(data); error.set(null); } catch (e) { error.set(e as error); } }
function createdebouncedsignal(initialvalue: string, delay: number) { const value = signal(initialvalue); let timeout: any; return { get: value, set: (newvalue: string) => { cleartimeout(timeout); timeout = settimeout(() => { value.set(newvalue); }, delay); } }; } // usage const searchquery = createdebouncedsignal('', 300);
@Component({ template: ` <div> <div *ngIf="loading()">Loading...</div> <div *ngIf="error()">{{ error() }}</div> <div *ngIf="data()"> {{ data() | json }} </div> </div> ` }) export class AsyncDataComponent { data = signal<any>(null); loading = signal(false); error = signal<string | null>(null); async fetchData() { this.loading.set(true); try { const response = await fetch('api/data'); const result = await response.json();; } catch (e) { this.error.set(e.message); } finally { this.loading.set(false); } } }
问:signals 和behaviorsubject 有什么区别?
答:信号更简单、性能更高,并且直接集成到 angular 的变化检测中。 behavioursubjects 是需要手动订阅管理的 rxjs 可观察对象。
问:我可以将 signals 与 ngrx 一起使用吗?
答:是的,signals 可以补充 ngrx 的本地组件状态,而 ngrx 则处理全局应用程序状态。
问:signals 在较旧的 angular 版本中可用吗?
答:信号是在 angular 16 中引入的。对于旧版本,您需要使用 rxjs observables 等替代方案。
angular signals 提供了一种强大而有效的方法来处理应用程序中的反应式状态管理。通过遵循本指南中概述的示例和最佳实践,您将能够在自己的项目中实现信号。请记住从简单开始,随着您的需求增长逐渐融入更高级的模式。