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Flask-SQLAlchemy 模块化使用时如何避免“nexpect System Error - The setup method \'shell_context_processor\' can no longer be called on the application”错误?

316 2024-12-18

Flask-SQLAlchemy 模块化使用时如何避免“nexpect System Error - The setup method 'shell_context_processor' can no longer be called on the application”错误?

flask-sqlalchemy 放在模块中使用的问题

官方文档中的例子是将数据库初始化代码放在 app.py 中,但实际项目中通常会将这些代码放在单独的模块中。在这样的情况下,将模块引入后可能会出现以下错误:

nexpect system error - the setup method 'shell_context_processor' can no longer be called on the application. it has already handled its first request, any changes will not be applied consistently.nmake sure all imports, decorators, functions, etc. needed to set up the application are done before running it.

这个错误表明 current_app 中的数据库设置已经完成,接下来引入的代码无法再对其进行修改。解决方法是在外部模块中使用自己的 app 对象,而不是使用 current_app。

首先,在外部模块 a.py 中初始化数据库:

from flask import flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import sqlalchemy

app = flask(__name__)
setting = app.config["database"]
app.config["sqlalchemy_database_uri"] = f'mysql+pymysql://{setting["db_user"]}:{setting["db_pass"]}@{setting["db_host"]}/{setting["db_name"]}'

db = sqlalchemy(app)

然后,在使用数据库的模块 b.py 中,引入 a.py 中的数据库对象:

from a import DB

class Account:

    def login(username, password):
        user = DB.session.execute(DB.select(User).filter_by(name=username)).scalar_one()

        return "token"

