Using strings or characters is sometimes very useful while solving some logical programming problems. Strings are a collection of characters and characters are 1-byte datatype to hold symbols from ASCII values. The symbols can be letters from English alphabets, numeric digits, or special characters. In this article, we shall learn how to check whether a character is a letter in English an alphabet or not using C++.
To check whether a number is an alphabet or not, we can use the isalpha() function from the ctype.h header file. This takes a character as input and returns true when it is the alphabet, otherwise returns false. Let us see the following C++ implementation to understand the usage of this function.
#include <iostream> #include <ctype.h> using namespace std; string solve( char c ) { if( isalpha( c ) ) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } int main() { cout << "Is 'K' an alphabet? : " << solve( 'K' ) << endl; cout << "Is 'a' an alphabet? : " << solve( 'a' ) << endl; cout << "Is '!' an alphabet? : " << solve( '!' ) << endl; cout << "Is '5' an alphabet? : " << solve( '5' ) << endl; cout << "Is 'f' an alphabet? : " << solve( 'f' ) << endl; }
Is 'K' an alphabet? : True Is 'a' an alphabet? : True Is '!' an alphabet? : False Is '5' an alphabet? : False Is 'f' an alphabet? : True
上述方法是使用预定义函数来检查给定字符是否为字母。但是我们也可以通过定义一个带有范围条件的函数来实现相同的功能。算法如下 -
#include <iostream> #include <ctype.h> using namespace std; string solve( char c ) { if( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } int main() { cout << "Is 'T' an alphabet? : " << solve( 'T' ) << endl; cout << "Is 'g' an alphabet? : " << solve( 'g' ) << endl; cout << "Is '?' an alphabet? : " <<solve( '?' ) << endl; cout << "Is '8' an alphabet? : " << solve( '8' ) << endl; cout << "Is 'p' an alphabet? : " << solve( 'p' ) << endl; }
Is 'T' an alphabet? : True Is 'g' an alphabet? : True Is '?' an alphabet? : False Is '8' an alphabet? : False Is 'p' an alphabet? : True