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353 2023-08-19


因此,remainder(x, y)将如下所示。

remainder(x, y) = x – rquote * y

The rquote is the value of x/y. This is rounded towards the nearest integral value. This function takes two arguments of type double, float, long double, and returns the remainder of the same type, that was given as argument. The first argument is numerator, and the second argument is the denominator.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
main() {
   double x = 14.5, y = 4.1;
   double res = remainder(x, y);
   printf("Remainder of %lf/%lf is: %lf

",x,y, res);    x = -34.50;    y = 4.0;    res = remainder(x, y);    printf("Remainder of %lf/%lf is: %lf

",x,y, res);    x = 65.23;    y = 0;    res = remainder(x, y);    printf("Remainder of %lf/%lf is: %lf

",x,y, res); }


Remainder of 14.500000/4.100000 is: -1.900000
Remainder of -34.500000/4.000000 is: 1.500000
Remainder of 65.230000/0.000000 is: -1.#IND00