Python 是一种全球使用的编程语言,开发人员出于不同的目的使用它。 Python 具有各种不同的应用程序,例如 Web 开发、数据科学、机器学习,还可以自动化执行不同的流程。所有使用 python 的不同程序员都必须处理字符串和子字符串。因此,在本文中,我们将学习如何删除字符串末尾的子字符串。
def remove_substring(string, substring): #Defining two different parameters if string.endswith(substring): return string[:len(string)-len(substring)] #If substring is present at the end of the string then the length of the substring is removed from the string else: return string #If there is no substring at the end, it will return with the same length # Example text = "Hello Everyone, I am John, The Sailor!" last_substring = ", The Sailor!" #Specifying the substring #Do not forget to enter the last exclamation mark, not entering the punctuations might lead to error Without_substring = remove_substring(text, last_substring) print(Without_substring)
Hello Everyone, I am John
在此方法中,我们将对字符串末尾的子字符串进行切片。 Python 提供了对代码中存在的文本或字符串进行切片的功能。我们将在程序中定义子字符串,并相应地对其进行切片。使用此方法删除子字符串的代码和示例如下:
def remove_substring(string, substring): if string[-len(substring):] == substring: #The length of last characters of the string (length of substring) is compared with the substring and if they are same the substring is removed return string[:-len(substring)] else: return string #If the length of last characters(Substring) does not match with the length of last substring then the characters are not removed # Example Whole_string = "Hello Everyone, I am John, the Sailor!" last_substring = ", the Sailor!" Final_String = remove_substring(Whole_string, last_substring) print(Final_String)
Hello Everyone, I am John
import re #Do not forget to import re module or it might lead to error while running the program def remove_substring(string, substring): pattern = re.escape(substring) + r'$' #re.escape is used to create a pattern to treat all symbols equally and it includes $ to work only on the substring on the end of the string return re.sub(pattern, '', string) #This replaces the last substring with an empty space # Example Whole_string = "Hello Everyone, I am John, the Sailor!" last_substring = ", the Sailor!" Final_String = remove_substring(Whole_string, last_substring) print(Final_String)
Hello Everyone, I am John
在这种情况下将使用 rfind() 函数,它从右侧开始查找定义的子字符串,然后我们可以借助切片功能删除子字符串。您可以借助以下示例更好地理解它:
def remove_substring(string, substring): index = string.rfind(substring) #rfind() is used to find the highest index of the substring in the string if index != -1 and index + len(substring) == len(string): # If a substring is found, it is removed by slicing the string return string[:index] else: return string #If no substring is found the original string is returned # Example Whole_string = "Hello Everyone, I am John, the Sailor!" last_substring = ", the Sailor!" Final_String = remove_substring(Whole_string, last_substring) print(Final_String)
Hello Everyone, I am John
这是使用 re 模块删除字符串末尾存在的子字符串的另一种方法。捕获组与正则表达式模块一起使用来删除子字符串。借助捕获组删除子字符串的代码和示例如下:
import re #Do not forget to import the re module or error might occur while running the code def remove_substring(string, substring): pattern = re.escape(substring) + r'(?=$)' # A function is created first and re.escape is used so that all the functions are created equally return re.sub(pattern, '', string) # With the help of re.sub() function, the substring will be replaced with empty place # Example Whole_string = "Hello Everyone, I am John, the Sailor!" last_substring = ", the Sailor!" Final_String = remove_substring(Whole_string, last_substring) print(Final_String)
Hello Everyone, I am John
在全球范围内的所有用户中,更改字符串的需求是很常见的,但如果不遵循正确的方法,删除字符串的过程很多时候会消耗大量时间。因此,本文描述了上面提到的许多不同的方法,这些方法可用于使用 python 从字符串末尾删除子字符串。可能还有其他方法可以删除子字符串,但本文提到的方法是建议的最短和最简单的方法,您可以根据您的应用领域进行选择。