首页 > 文章列表 > 将以下内容翻译为中文:尽量减少移除非相邻相同字符的次数,以使给定的字符串变为空字符串


非相邻 编程关键词:移除 相同字符
316 2023-08-25


Problem Statement

Given a string, the task is to minimize the number of removal operations of non-equal adjacent characters required to make the given string empty. In one operation, you can remove any two adjacent characters that are not equal.

C++ Solution Approach



#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int minimizeRemovals(string str) {
   stack<char> s;
   for (char c : str) {
      if (!s.empty() && s.top() != c) {
      } else {
   return s.size();

int main() {
   string str = "abba";
   int operations = minimizeRemovals(str);
   cout << "The minimum number of removal operations is: " << operations << endl;
   return 0;


The minimum number of removal operations is: 0

Explanation with a Test Case


  • 它将 'a' 推入堆栈。

  • 然后它将 'b' 推入堆栈,因为 'b' 不等于堆栈顶部的元素 ('a')。

  • When the next 'b' is encountered, it sees that the top of the stack is also 'b', so it doesn't perform a remove operation, and 'b' is pushed onto the stack.

  • Now the top of the stack is 'b', and the next character is 'a'. Since 'a' is not equal to 'b', it performs a remove operation by popping the top of the stack. Now the top of the stack is 'b'.

  • 最后,在字符串中遇到了与栈顶元素('b')不相等的字符'a'。因此,它执行了一个移除操作,弹出了栈顶元素。

At the end of the function, there are no characters left in the stack, indicating that all non-equal adjacent characters have been removed from the string. Hence, the function returns 0, which is the minimum number of removal operations required to make the given string empty.

