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编程关键词 NP完全 集合划分
469 2023-08-25

将包裹集合问题(Set Parcel)翻译成中文,这是一个NP完全问题,任务是确定给定的一组正整数是否可以分成两个子集,使得它们的总和相等。NP完全意味着目前没有已知的多项式时间算法能够解决所有情况,而验证一个可能的解决方案应该可以在多项式时间内完成。许多其他的NP完全问题可以归约到Set Parcel问题,表明它的计算复杂性以及在理解更广泛的NP完全问题类别中的重要性。由于其复杂性,解决Set Parcel问题的大规模案例可能需要巨大的时间投入,这使得有效地找到一个最佳解决方案变得困难。

Methods Used

  • Brute Force

  • 回溯算法

Brute Force


Regardless of its straightforwardness, savage power can be a substantial methodology for issues with little info sizes or when the arrangement space is generally little and reasonable. It is regularly utilized for straightforward issues, as a pattern to confirm rightness, or as a beginning stage prior to applying more modern calculations.


  • 计算集合中所有组件的完整性,并检查它们是否可以被2整除。如果不能,返回"无解"。

  • Initialize two purge sets, subset1 and subset2.

  • 调用递归工作分割助手 partitionHelper,使用起始集合 S,子集 1,子集 2 和目标整体(totalSum / 2)

  • 在partitionHelper函数中:

  • Check on the off chance that the entirety of components in subset 1 is equal to the target whole. On the off chance that so, print subsets 1 and 2, and return. 如果集合S是清除的,则返回 Choose component x from S and expel it from S.

  • Try including x in subset1 and calling partitionHelper recursively with the upgraded S, subset1, subset2, and the target sum.

  • 如果叫牌没有发现一个大的包裹,从子集1中排除x并尝试将x包含在子集2中

  • 使用重组后的S、子集1、子集2和目标总和递归调用partitionHelper函数

  • If no substantial segment is found amid the recursion, print "No arrangement."


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

bool partitionHelper(std::vector<int> S, std::vector<int>& 
subset1, std::vector<int>& subset2, int targetSum) {
   if (targetSum == 0) {
      std::cout << "Subset 1: ";
      for (int num : subset1) {
         std::cout << num << " ";
      std::cout << "nSubset 2: ";
      for (int num : subset2) {
         std::cout << num << " ";
      return true;

   if (S.empty()) {
      return false;

   int x = S.back();

   if (partitionHelper(S, subset1, subset2, targetSum - x)) {
      return true;

   if (partitionHelper(S, subset1, subset2, targetSum - x)) {
      return true;

   return false;

void partition(const std::vector<int>& S) {
   int totalSum = 0;
   for (int num : S) {
      totalSum += num;
   if (totalSum % 2 != 0) {
      std::cout << "No solution.n";

   std::vector<int> subset1, subset2;
   int targetSum = totalSum / 2;

   if (!partitionHelper(S, subset1, subset2, targetSum)) {
      std::cout << "No solution.n";

int main() {
   std::vector<int> set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
   return 0;


No solution.


Backtracking is an overall algorithmic method used to look for answers for combinatorial issues deliberately. It is a type of experimentation search where the calculation investigates various conceivable outcomes, steadily constructing a possible arrangement and backtracks when it understands that the ebb and flow way can't prompt a substantial arrangement.



  • Begin with two void sets, SetA and SetB, to address the two subsets being shaped.

  • 递归地调查来自给定集合的组件的所有潜在混合,以便记住SetA和SetB中的内容

  • 在每一步中,将一个组件添加到SetA并对多余的组件进行递归,或将其添加到SetB并进行递归

  • 在递归过程中监控SetA和SetB的数量

  • If anytime, the amount of SetA rises to the amount of SetB, bring Valid back; in any case, get back Misleading.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

bool isValidSubset(const std::vector<int>& inputSet, int index, int 
setSizeA, int setSizeB) {
   if (index == inputSet.size()) {
      return (setSizeA == setSizeB);

   bool isValid = isValidSubset(inputSet, index + 1, setSizeA + 1, setSizeB);
   isValid |= isValidSubset(inputSet, index + 1, setSizeA, setSizeB + 1);

   return isValid;

int main() {
   std::vector<int> inputSet = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000};
   bool isValid = isValidSubset(inputSet, 0, 0, 0);
   std::cout << (isValid ? "Valid" : "Misleading") << std::endl;
   return 0;



