Array is a linear data structure that is used to store group of elements with similar datatypes. It stores data in a sequential manner. Once we create an array we can’t change its size i.e. it can store fixed number of elements.
In right rotation of an array, we simply shift the elements of the array to our right till the specified number of rotations.
Data_Type nameOfarray[]; // declaration Or, // declaration with size Data_Type nameOfarray[] = new Data_Type[sizeofarray];
The approach for reversal algorithm is as follows −
步骤1 - 首先,我们将给定的数组从第一个索引反转到最后一个索引。
第二步 - 继续向前,我们将给定的数组从第一个索引到 rt - 1 的位置进行反转,其中 rt 是所需旋转的次数。
Step3 − In the last step, we will reverse the remaining array i.e. from rt to last index.
Note that for shifting the elements of array we will perform the swapping between them.
We will put our logic in user-defined method. Let’s discuss how we can create a user-defined method.
accessSpecifier nonAccessModifier return_Type nameOfmethod(Parameters) { // your code will come here }
accessSpecifier − It is used to set the accessibility of the method. It may be public, protected, default and private.
nonAccessModifier − 它展示了方法的额外功能或行为,例如静态和最终。
return_Type − The datatype a method is going to return. We use void keyword when method does not return anything.
nameOfmethod − Name of the method.
parameters − 它包含变量的名称,后面跟着数据类型。
public class Rotation { public void rev(int rot_arr[], int first, int last) { while(first < last) { int temp = rot_arr[first]; rot_arr[first] = rot_arr[last]; rot_arr[last] = temp; first++; last--; } } public int[] rotates(int rot_arr[], int rt) { rt = rt % rot_arr.length; rev(rot_arr, 0, rot_arr.length - 1); rev(rot_arr, 0, rt - 1); rev(rot_arr, rt, rot_arr.length - 1); return rot_arr; } public static void main(String[] args) { Rotation obj = new Rotation(); int rot_arr[] = {5, 8, 2, 4, 7, 1}; int rt = 4; System.out.print(" The given array is: "); for(int i = 0; i < rot_arr.length; i++) { System.out.print(rot_arr[i] + " "); } obj.rotates(rot_arr, rt); System.out.println(); System.out.print(" The given array after right rotation is: "); for(int i = 0; i < rot_arr.length; i++) { System.out.print(rot_arr[i] + " "); } } }
The given array is: 5 8 2 4 7 1 The given array after right rotation is: 2 4 7 1 5 8