我们将使用继承的概念来了解基类和派生类。在多重继承中,所有基类的功能都被继承到派生类中。让我们看看语法 -
Class Base1: Body of the class Class Base2: Body of the class Class Base3: Body of the class . . . Class BaseN: Body of the class Class Derived(Base1, Base2, Base3, … , BaseN): Body of the class
在下面的示例中,Bird 类继承了 Animal 类。
issubclass 方法确保 Bird 是 Animal 类的子类。
class Animal: def eat(self): print("It eats insects.") def sleep(self): print("It sleeps in the night.") class Bird(Animal): def fly(self): print("It flies in the sky.") def sing(self): print("It sings a song.") print(issubclass(Bird, Animal)) Koyal= Bird() print(isinstance(Koyal, Bird)) Koyal.eat() Koyal.sleep() Koyal.fly() Koyal.sing()
True It eats insects. It sleeps in the night. It flies in the sky. It sings a song. True
如果您想决定使用哪个基类,上述步骤也适用。例如,让我们看一下显示相同内容的代码片段 −
class Base: ... BaseAlias = Base class Derived(BaseAlias):