Material UI 是一个流行的 CSS 库,我们可以用它来设计 React 应用程序的样式。它包含各种预先设计样式的 React 组件,我们可以通过将它们导入到代码中来直接在应用程序中使用它们。
‘dx-react-chart-material-ui’是Devexpress的一个NPM包,可以连接devexpress的material-ui和‘dx-react-chart’库。 “dx-react-chart”用于创建图表,Material UI 用于设置图表样式。
用户可以执行以下命令在React应用程序中安装Material UI。
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
此外,执行以下命令来安装 Devexpress NPM 包。
npm i @devexpress/dx-react-chart
用户可以按照以下语法使用 Devexpress 创建条形图。
<Chart data = {data}> <BarSeries valueField = "price" argumentField = "fruit" /> <Title text = "Fruit price" /> </Chart>
在上面的语法中,我们使用了 DevExpress 的“Chart”、“BarSeries”和“Title”组件。 “Chart”组件显示图表,“BarSeries”组件显示条形图,“Title”组件显示标题。
在下面的示例中,我们从 Material UI 导入了“Paper”组件。此外,我们还从“devexpress”NPM 包中导入了所需的组件。
我们还定义了包含图表数据的 data[] 数组。它包含水果的名称和价格。我们创建一个简单的条形图来比较水果价格。在输出中,用户可以观察条形图。
import React, { useState } from "react"; import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper"; import { Chart, BarSeries, Title, ArgumentAxis, ValueAxis, } from "@devexpress/dx-react-chart-material-ui"; import { Animation } from "@devexpress/dx-react-chart"; const data = [ { fruit: "Apple", price: 150 }, { fruit: "Orange", price: 250 }, { fruit: "Banana", price: 100 }, { fruit: "Mango", price: 200 }, { fruit: "Grapes", price: 50 }, { fruit: "Pineapple", price: 90 }, { fruit: "Watermelon", price: 170 }, { fruit: "Papaya", price: 120 }, { fruit: "Guava", price: 80 }, ]; function App() { return ( <div> <h2> Creating the{" "} bar chart using the <i> devexpress NPM package and material UI </i> </h2> <Paper> <Chart data = {data}> <ArgumentAxis /> <ValueAxis max = {200} /> <BarSeries valueField = "price" argumentField = "fruit" /> <Title text = "Fruit Price" /> <Animation /> </Chart> </Paper> </div> ); } export default App;
该图表包含单一材料的一系列 3 个条形图,每个条形图代表不同的颜色。我们使用“Barseries”组件为每种材料创建一个条形。此外,我们还设置了组件的标题。
import React from "react"; import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper"; import { Chart, BarSeries, Title, ArgumentAxis, ValueAxis, Legend, } from "@devexpress/dx-react-chart-material-ui"; import { Stack, Animation } from "@devexpress/dx-react-chart"; const chartData = [ { material: "Aluminium", yellow: 3000, silver: 3200, grey: 2900 }, { material: "Copper", yellow: 2300, silver: 2700, grey: 1900 }, { material: "Steel", yellow: 1400, silver: 2100, grey: 1700 }, { material: "Iron", yellow: 2200, silver: 1700, grey: 2800 }, ]; function App() { return ( <div> <h2> Creating the{" "} stacked bar chart using the <i> devexpress NPM package and material UI </i> </h2> <Paper> <Chart data = {chartData}> <ArgumentAxis /> <ValueAxis /> <BarSeries Name = "yellow color" valueField = "yellow" argumentField = "material" color = "#ffd700" /> <BarSeries Name = "Silver color" valueField = "silver" argumentField = "material" color = "#c0c0c0" /> <BarSeries Name = "grey color" valueField = "grey" argumentField = "material" color = "grey" /> <Animation /> <Legend position = "bottom" /> <Title text = "Price of Materials" /> <Stack /> </Chart> </Paper> </div> ); } export default App;
import React from "react"; import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper"; import { Chart, BarSeries, Title, ArgumentAxis, ValueAxis, Legend, } from "@devexpress/dx-react-chart-material-ui"; import { Stack, Animation } from "@devexpress/dx-react-chart"; const chartData = [ { state: "Gujarat", population: 3938223, vehicles: 3456800, houses: 2535447, shops: 454464 }, { state: "Maharashtra", population: 2446456, vehicles: 3864500, houses: 6485534, shops: 344654 }, { state: "Rajasthan", population: 2332543, vehicles: 4756549, houses: 981496, shops: 545621 }, { state: "Punjab", population: 3434657, vehicles: 5686564, houses: 4569847, shops: 448734 }, ]; function App() { return ( <div> <h2> Creating the{" "} <i> Stacked bar chart using the devexpress NPM package and Material UI. </i> </h2> <Paper> <Chart data = {chartData}> <ArgumentAxis /> <ValueAxis max = {50000000} /> <BarSeries name = "Population" valueField = "population" argumentField = "state" color = "#8884d8" /> <BarSeries name = "Vehicles" valueField = "vehicles" argumentField = "state" color = "#82ca9d" /> <BarSeries name = "Houses" valueField = "houses" argumentField = "state" color = "#ffc658" /> <BarSeries name = "Shops" valueField = "shops" argumentField = "state" color = "#ff7f50" /> <Animation /> <Legend position = "bottom" /> <Title text = "State-wise Data" /> <Stack stacks = {[{ series: ["Population", "Vehicles", "Houses", "Shops"] }]} /> </Chart> </Paper> </div> ); } export default App;
我们学习了使用 Devexpress 和 Material UI 库来创建和设计图表。 Devexpress NPM 包是 Material UI 和 Devexpress 图表库之间的桥梁。此外,我们在本教程中学习了创建各种类型的条形图。