#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; // 构建词袋模型 map<string, int> buildBagOfWords(const vector<string>& document) { map<string, int> wordCount; for (const auto& word : document) { wordCount[word]++; } return wordCount; } int main() { // 原始文本 vector<string> document = {"I", "love", "this", "movie", "it", "is", "amazing"}; // 构建词袋模型 map<string, int> bagOfWords = buildBagOfWords(document); // 输出词袋模型 for (const auto& entry : bagOfWords) { cout << entry.first << ": " << entry.second << endl; } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <vector> using namespace std; // 训练朴素贝叶斯模型 map<string, double> trainNaiveBayesModel(const vector<vector<string>>& trainingData, const vector<string>& labels) { map<string, double> model; // 统计每个词在正面和负面样本中出现的次数 int numPositiveWords = 0, numNegativeWords = 0; map<string, int> positiveWordCount, negativeWordCount; for (int i = 0; i < trainingData.size(); ++i) { const auto& document = trainingData[i]; const auto& label = labels[i]; for (const auto& word : document) { if (label == "positive") { positiveWordCount[word]++; numPositiveWords++; } else if (label == "negative") { negativeWordCount[word]++; numNegativeWords++; } } } // 计算每个词在正面和负面样本中的概率 for (const auto& entry : positiveWordCount) { const auto& word = entry.first; const auto& count = entry.second; model[word] = (count + 1) / double(numPositiveWords + positiveWordCount.size()); } for (const auto& entry : negativeWordCount) { const auto& word = entry.first; const auto& count = entry.second; model[word] = (count + 1) / double(numNegativeWords + negativeWordCount.size()); } return model; } // 利用朴素贝叶斯模型进行情感分类 string classifyDocument(const vector<string>& document, const map<string, double>& model) { double positiveProbability = 0, negativeProbability = 0; for (const auto& word : document) { if (model.count(word) > 0) { positiveProbability += log(model.at(word)); negativeProbability += log(1 - model.at(word)); } } if (positiveProbability > negativeProbability) { return "positive"; } else { return "negative"; } } int main() { // 训练数据和标签 vector<vector<string>> trainingData = {{"I", "love", "this", "movie"}, {"I", "hate", "this", "movie"}, {"It", "is", "amazing"}, {"It", "is", "terrible"}}; vector<string> labels = {"positive", "negative", "positive", "negative"}; // 训练朴素贝叶斯模型 map<string, double> model = trainNaiveBayesModel(trainingData, labels); // 对新的文本进行情感分类 vector<string> document = {"I", "love", "this", "movie"}; string sentiment = classifyDocument(document, model); cout << "Sentiment of the document: " << sentiment << endl; return 0; }