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如何在不同的操作系统上安装Python Scikit-learn?

113 2023-09-01





Open the command prompt on your system and type the following commands to check whether Python and pip is installed or not.

To check Python

Python --version


To check pip

pip --version


Step2-Install Scikit-learn Library

Scikit-learn can be installed using pip. You can run the following command in command prompt to install scikit-learn −

pip install scikit-learn

The above command will start downloading and installing packages related to the Scikit-learn Python library. Once done, it will display the message of successful installation.


Anaconda, a python distribution platform, offers scikit-learn as part of its free distribution.

You can update the scikit-learn package with the help of below given steps −



To check Python

Python --version


检查 conda

conda --version

If conda is successfully installed on your system, it will display its version. It is always recommended to update conda to its latest version by using the following command −

conda update conda


如上所讨论的,scikit-learn已经预装在Anaconda Python环境中。使用以下命令检查已安装的scikit-learn库的版本 -

conda list scikit-learn

It will display the version of scikit-learn installed on your system in Anaconda distribution.

Now to update it to the latest version, type the following command at the terminal −

conda update scikit-learn

Alternatively, you can update scikit-learn library to a specific version by typing −

conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn=1.0.2

The above command will start downloading and installing packages related to the Scikit-learn Python library. Once done, it will display the message of successful installation.

Installing Scikit-learn on macOS


Step1-Install Python 3 using homebrew package manager

Before installing scikit-learn on your macOS, you need Python 3 preinstalled. Use homebrew package manager to install Python3.

brew install python


Step2-Install Scikit-learn Library

Scikit-learn can be installed using pip. You can run the following command to install the latest release of scikit-learn −

pip install -U scikit-learn

The above command will start downloading and installing packages related to the Scikit-learn Python library. Once done, it will display the message of successful installation.

Use the below command to check your installation −

python -m pip show scikit-learn

在虚拟环境中在 macOS 上安装 Scikit-learn


Step1-Install Python 3 using homebrew package manager

Before installing scikit-learn on your macOS, you need Python 3 preinstalled. Use homebrew package manager to install Python3.

brew install python



Once python is installed on your system, you need to create a virtual environment by typing −

python -m venv sklearn-venv

The above command will create a virtual environment named Sklearn-venv. To activate this virtual environment, type −

source Sklearn-venv/bin/activate


You can now use pip to install the latest release of scikit-learn in above created virtual environment.

pip install -U scikit-learn

要检查您的安装,请键入 -

python -m pip show scikit-learn




Step1-Make Sure Python3 and pip3 is preinstalled


To check Python

Python3 --version


如果没有,请运行以下命令安装Python3 −

sudo apt-get install python3.6

The above command will install Python 3.6 on Ubuntu 16.10 or newer.

To check pip

To see if pip3 is installed, open a command prompt, run the below command −

command -v pip3


Step2-Install Scikit-learn Library

输入并运行以下命令,以在您的Linux发行版上安装最新版本的scikit-learn −

Pip3 install -U scikit-learn

You can use the below command to check scikit-learn installation −

Python3 -m pip show scikit-learn

Installing Scikit-learn on Linux in virtual environment

To install Scikit-learn on Linux in virtual environment, follow the steps given below:

Step1-Make Sure Python3 and pip3 is preinstalled


To check Python

Python3 --version


如果没有,请运行以下命令安装Python3 −

sudo apt-get install python3.6

The above command will install Python 3.6 on Ubuntu 16.10 or newer.

To check pip

To see if pip3 is installed, open a command prompt, run the below command −

command -v pip3



通过输入以下命令创建一个虚拟环境 -

python3 -m venv sklearn-venv

The above command will create a virtual environment named Sklearn-venv. To activate this virtual environment, type −

source Sklearn-venv/bin/activate


You can now use pip to install the latest release of scikit-learn in above created virtual environment.

Pip3 install -U scikit-learn

要检查您的安装,请运行以下命令 -

Python3 -m pip show scikit-learn
