Python 是一种广泛使用的软件,它有许多不同的使用目的和执行不同任务的多种功能。 python 的一个有用的功能是列表功能,它有助于收集和存储不同的数据,但很多时候用户在删除另一个子列表中已经存在的子列表时会遇到问题。因此,在本文中,我们将学习如何删除其他子列表中已存在的不同子列表。
duplicate_list = [[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon], [David, Stefen]] #All the sublist whose data is already present in other sublist are to be removed
名称为 [Shyam,John] 和 [David,Stefan] 的子列表已在其他子列表中具有相同的数据,因此这些额外的子列表将被删除。输出应如下所示:
new_list = [[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon]]
duplicate_list = [[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon], [David, Stefen]] New_list = [sublist for sublist in duplicate_list if not any(set(sublist) <= set(other) for other in duplicate_list if sublist is not other)] #We first check all the lists of the duplicate list through the any() function and then we check for any repeatation with the help of <= operator
[[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon]]
def is_sublist(sublist, other): #is_sublist is the function defined return set(sublist) <= set(other) #the functions checks 2 sublists at a time and if the sublist already exists then it returns with `true` feedback and does not consider the extra sublist duplicate_list = [[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon], [David, Stefen]] new_list = [sublist for sublist in duplicate_list if not any(is_sublist(sublist, other) for other in duplicate_list if sublist is not other)]
[[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon]]
duplicate_list = [[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon], [David, Stefen]] #A copy of duplicate list is created to avoid any errors in the original file new_list = duplicate_list[:] #Check each sublist present in the new_list for sublist in duplicate_list: for other in new_list: # Checking of presence of sublist present in other sublist is done if sublist != other and set(sublist).issubset(other): #issubset is used to check presence of one sublist in another sublist # Remove all the repeating sublist new_list.remove(sublist) break #break is used to stop the loop so that it does not keep checking continuosly print(new_list)
[[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon]]
duplicate_list = [[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon], [David, Stefen]] new_list = [] for sublist in duplicate_list: is_subset = False for other in duplicate_list: if sublist != other and set(sublist).difference(set(other)) == set(): #The difference operation is used to calculate the difference betwen two sets is_subset = True #When the sublist is present in another sublist the result of is_subset will be true break #Once the result is found to be true, the loop is broke and all the other sublist are copied into the new_list if not is_subset: new_list.append(sublist) print(new_list)
[[Aayush, Shyam, John], [Henry, Joe], [David, Stefen, Damon]]