In this article, we will learn which language to learn first (HTML or Python).
Python 是一种高级、面向对象、动态、解释型和多用途的编程语言,即多范式语言。其简单的语法和可读性使其非常适合作为各种规模项目的服务器端(后端)语言。Python还已经成为机器学习的事实上的标准语言。
Python generates the data for web pages on the backend and then displays it using frontend technologies. It is also available for usage on the desktop, command line, and the web.
HTML也被称为超文本标记语言(HyperText Markup Language),它是一种标记语言,而不是一种编程语言。它是一种用于格式化网页的标记语言,像Chrome这样的网络浏览器使用它来解析网页的结构。输入框、按钮和div等元素用于在页面上放置和组织内容。
HTML只能在客户端或前端使用。它不能用于在Web浏览器之外构建桌面应用程序。尽管Electron JS的出现在某种程度上改变了这一点。
You'll be able to develop websites if you understand HTML markup language well. Learn Python if you wish to be a more versatile developer in web and software development, command-line projects, and data analysis.
If you want to be a full-stack developer, you should be familiar with both HTML and Python. If you work with Python web frameworks like Django and Flask, you'll also require a basic understanding of front-end languages (HTML and CSS).
Understand what you require first. Later on, you can switch to another programming language to enhance your skills or if the scope of a project needs it.
HTML allows you to create and customize websites from the bottom up. You can create themes and modify them as you see fit.
HTML combines with other coding languages, such as CSS and Javascript, to create interactive user interfaces.
If you have photos that don't fit the layout of your web pages, you can resize them in HTML by defining the height and width properties with the img tag.
HTML and Python are both simple to learn and master. It's difficult to say which is simpler because they serve various purposes and have distinct uses.
Python was ranked fourth among programming languages in the Stack Overflow 2020 survey. However, according to their 2021 study, more developers are interested in learning Python. However, keep in mind that developer interest in knowing HTML has been consistent over this time span.