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iPhone iPad HTML内联视频
362 2023-09-12

The allowsInlineMediaPlayback  property of a UIWebView) enables/ disables in line media playback in the iOS web browser for a native app. 

By default, on iPhone this is set to NO, but on iPad its set to YES. Hence, the native video player takes over the screen, thus obstructing us from playing other dynamic content simultaneously with the video 

Adjust this behaviour in HTML as follows −

<video id = "myVideo" width = "280" height = "140" webkit-playsinline> 


 在iOS 10+中,苹果现在已经在所有iOS 10上的Web浏览器中启用了属性 playsinline。现在,可以轻松地进行操作 −

<video src = "new.mp4" playsinline>