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使用 Postgres 和 MongoDB 实现 CRUD 操作

170 2024-02-03

我对 Go 和后端还很陌生,并且正在参加 Go 实习计划。我们构建了一个连接到 psql 数据库的 CRUD,现在我被告知连接 mongoDB,我们将其用于开发,而 PSQL 将用于生产。 我是否必须从头开始创建用于 mongo 的新处理程序,或者我可以使用相同的处理程序并以某种方式确定正在使用的数据库类型并相应地使用相应的逻辑吗? 例如,我有一个用于用户注册端点的处理程序:

func (ctrl *UserController) Register(c *gin.Context) {
    var user models.User
    if err := c.BindJSON(&user); err != nil {
        c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, gin.H{
            "error":   true,
            "message": err.Error(),
    err := ctrl.userService.Register(&user)
    if err != nil {
        c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, gin.H{
            "error":   true,
            "message": err.Error(),

    c.JSON(http.StatusCreated, gin.H{
        "message": "successfully created an user",

func (svc *UserService) Register(user *models.User) error {
    if svc.userRepo.CheckIfEmailExists(user.Email) {
        return errors.New("user already registered")
    hash, err := svc.generatePasswordHash(user.Password)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.New("err can't register user")

    user.Password = hash

    return svc.userRepo.Insert(user)

func (repo *UserRepository) CheckIfEmailExists(mail string) bool {
    var user models.User
    err := repo.dbClient.Debug().Model(models.User{}).Where("email = ?", mail).Find(&user).Error
    return errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound)

func (repo *UserRepository) Insert(user *models.User) error {
    err := repo.dbClient.Debug().Model(models.User{}).Create(user).Error
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("failed to insert user: %vn", err)
        return err
    return nil

我为 mongo 构建了插入、注册和 CheckIfEmailExists 函数:

func (repo *UserRepository) InsertInMongo(user *models.UserB) error {
    coll := repo.mongoClient.DB.Collection("users")
    _, err := coll.InsertOne(context.TODO(), user)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("failed to insert user: %vn", err)
        return err
    return nil

func (svc *UserService) RegisterToMongo(user *models.UserB) error {
    check := svc.userRepo.CheckIfEmailExistsInMongo(user.Email)
    if check {
        return errors.New("user already registered")
    hash, err := svc.generatePasswordHash(user.Password)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.New("err can't register user")
    user.Password = hash
    return svc.userRepo.InsertInMongo(user)

func (repo *UserRepository) CheckIfEmailExistsInMongo(email string) bool {
    coll := repo.mongoClient.Collection
    filter := bson.D{{Key: "email", Value: email}}

    count, err := coll.CountDocuments(context.TODO(), filter)
    if err != nil {
    if count != 0 {
        return true
    return false


您没有提供如何创建 UserService 的代码。


type UserRepository interface {
    CheckIfEmailExists(mail string) bool
    Insert(user *models.User) error

然后,UserService 应该像这样创建:

// We use the interface as param
func NewUserService(userRepo UserRepository) UserService {
    return UserService{
        UserRepo: userRepo

并且您将有两个单独的存储库,都实现 UserRepository 接口 - 这意味着它们应该具有与接口相同的名称和相同签名(参数、返回类型)的方法:


Type MongoUserRepo struct {

func (repo MongoUserRepo) CheckIfEmailExists(mail string) bool {
  … some mongo logic here

func (repo MongoUserRepo) Insert(user *models.User) error {
  … some mongo logic here


type PostgresUserRepo struct {

func (repo PostgresUserRepo) CheckIfEmailExists(mail string) bool {
  … some postgres logic here

func (repo PostgresUserRepo) Insert(user *models.User) error {
  … some postgres logic here




var userService UserService

if os.Getenv(“environment”) == “prod” {
    userService = NewUserService(postgreUserRepo)
} else if os.Getenv(“environment”) == “dev” {
    userService = NewUserService(mongoUserRepo)