我正在做一些编码练习,以更好地理解 go。给定的练习指示我创建一个接受用户输入的程序,如下所示:
2 foo_bar fizz_buzz
fobr o_a fz_uz izbz
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { // read an integer describing how many strings will be input var num_strings int fmt.scan(&num_strings) // create a slice of strings to hold provided strings strings := make([]string, num_strings) // add provided strings to slice for i := 0; i < num_strings; i++ { var temp string fmt.scan(&temp) strings = append(strings, temp) } // check that strings have been appended fmt.println("strings:", strings) // check that strings can be accessed for i := 0; i < num_strings; i++ { fmt.println(i, strings[i]) // only i prints, not strings[i] } // loop over all strings for i := 0; i < num_strings; i++ { // if string index is even print the char for index, val := range strings[i] { if index%2 == 0 { fmt.print(val) } } fmt.print(" ") // if string index is odd print the char for index, val := range strings[i] { if index%2 != 0 { fmt.print(val) } } // newline for next string fmt.print("n") } }
2 foo_bar fizz_buzz Strings: [ foo_bar fizz_buzz] 0 1
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// create a slice of strings to hold provided strings strings := make([]string, num_strings) // add provided strings to slice for i := 0; i < num_strings; i++ { var temp string fmt.scan(&temp) strings = append(strings, temp) }
// create a slice of strings to hold provided strings strings := []{} // add provided strings to slice for i := 0; i < num_strings; i++ { var temp string fmt.scan(&temp) strings = append(strings, temp) }
// create a slice of strings to hold provided strings strings := make([]string, num_strings) // add provided strings to slice for i := 0; i < num_strings; i++ { var temp string fmt.Scan(&temp) strings[i] = temp }