我使用此命令创建的新项目出现 buffalo 测试错误。
buffalo new coke --db-type sqlite3 buffalo test
[POP] 2023/02/23 13:43:02 warn - unable to load connection development: could not create new connection: sqlite3 support was not compiled into the binary [POP] 2023/02/23 13:43:02 warn - unable to load connection test: could not create new connection: sqlite3 support was not compiled into the binary [POP] 2023/02/23 13:43:02 warn - unable to load connection production: could not create new connection: sqlite3 support was not compiled into the binary Usage: buffalo test [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for test ERRO[0000] Error: could not find connection named test
[pop] 2023/02/23 13:43:02 warn - <...>: sqlite3 support was not compiled into the binary
正如您在这里所看到的,根本原因是您的 buffalo
二进制文件未编译为支持 sqlite3。你是怎么安装的?如果您使用 go install
,则应该使用 -tags sqlite
go install -tags sqlite github.com/gobuffalo/cli/cmd/buffalo@latest